Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Zambezi River, Zambia

We took a late afternoon boat trip along the river above the Victoria Falls. Here are some of the pictures of the wildlife and scenery.

Along the banks, water berries were growing.

The palm trees are apparently not native to this area but have been introduced as a result of elephants eating the fruits and depositing the seeds.

Egyptian Geese.

Green-Backed Heron

White-Faced Whistling Duck

Water Thick-Knees (Water Dikkop) were very common. These are in the same family as our Stone Curlews.

White-Crowned Plovers were also common along the riverbank.

Hippos were lying in the shallows on the mud banks at the river's edge.

Zambia's National Bird - the African Fish Eagle.

The mighty Victoria Falls just down river. The spray reached high into the sky.

... and as the sun began to set over Zimbabwe.

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